
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

(News) Schiit Lyr 3

Lyr 3

To improve on Lyr 2, we had to completely reinvent the amp, introduce two new technologies, and make it modular. Yes, that’s right. Not only is the new Lyr 3 a big sonic upgrade, it can be configured with the DAC or phono preamp of your choice—just like Jotunheim.

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Panasonic RP-HD10


其實RP-HD10只有在Panasonic發佈消息時注意過一次,之後不曾再去注意下文,也沒抱持太大的期待。 直到最近這支耳機被很多文章拉上檯面,才回頭搜尋有關它的討論、批評,看看有什麼特別之處得以受到不少人推薦。 不幸地,因為沒試聽的管道,最後抵擋不住好奇心,只能自行購入當作測試實驗。