Thursday, December 27, 2012
AKG K702 65th Anniversary Edition
K702 65th Anniversary Edition大約在去年2013的九月公佈,12月的時候看到美國有商店販售,就入手這副耳機了。 因為已經有K501拿來隨手用的耳機,而且據消息使用的單體和K702相同,所以K702-65只是買來當紀念品而不準備拆來用。 直到最近看到越來越多用家給予不錯的評價,讓我對這支被戲稱K702換色版的聲音感到好奇,畢竟個人對K702和Q701並不會特別感興趣,很想知道AKG對65th Anniversary這副耳機是否有再特別調音過。
由於預留一支收藏,不準備拆開使用,所以只好再想辦法買一支來試聽。 所幸美國市售的價格比其他地區便宜,大約$400以內即可找到全新品,但還是比原本的K702貴不少。
Type: open-back,dynamic headphones
Sensitivity: 105 dB/V
Frequency range: 10 to 39,800 Hz
Rated impedance: 62 ohms
Max. input power: 200 mW
Cable: 3 m single-sided (99,9% oxygen-free)
Connector: gold plated stereo jack plug 6.3 mm (1/4")
Adapter: gold plated convertible jack plug 3.5/6.3 mm (1/4" to 1/8")
Finish: semiglossy matte titan and black
Net weight (without cable): 235 g (8.3 oz.)
Limited Edition hand-crafted in Vienna,Austria with highest attention to detail
New sound tuning for improved performance at low frequencies
New soft genuine leather headband for maximum wearing comfort
New soft velours ear pads for long listening / recording sessions
Attractive design with high-quality “TITAN-Look” finish
Revolutionary flat wire voice coil for incredible impulse and treble response
Patented Varimotion two-layer diaphragm for improved high frequency range and better performance at low frequencies
Detachable professional cable for easy replacement
配備一開始接D2 DAC直推,發覺需要轉到快跟600歐姆的T1相同的音量位置,且聲音似乎有點放不開的樣子,而後改接BHA-1,音量大約轉到9:30~10:00,聲音聽起來正常許多。
目前聽起來跟隨手的K1000/K550/K501有不少相異處。 撇開細部和burn-in後可能的變化,乍聽下接近K550,減少了清亮的特徵(正確的說法是沒有刻意去提升亮度),整體較為平順而不厚重。 音場是讓我注目的地方,縱向比其他的AKG深一些。
配備: BHA-1 + D2 DAC,SRH1840用Q-cable平衡線,K702-65為原廠線。
K702-65 vs SRH1840
低頻: K702-65量多於SRH1840,幅度不大。
中頻: SRH1840人聲細直稍前,K702-65聲音比較有綿密感。
高頻: 兩者離亮晶晶的高頻都還有距離,金屬樂器聲沒特別往前。
音場: K702-65包圍感多些,縱深較明顯,而SRH1840寬敞但偏平面。
K702-65 vs K701(serail number around 3500)
如果印象沒錯,這支K701聲音走向很類似很久以前在高雄首都聽過的那支K701,和K705 65th ANV算有能令人注意到的差別, 明亮度上K701會稍顯眼,大於SRH1840和K702-65,但還不到很刺眼的地步。 K702-65在低頻部份厚了少許,感覺溫暖些,有包圍感。 配戴感上K702-65比較舒適,可以伸展的長度較大,頭頂的皮製頭帶比K701軟,而且K701頭帶上面那七個顆粒對配戴感有負面的影響。
更新: The K702-65 is limited edition not in terms of the numbers it's being being produced, but in the time that it's being produced. It is still currently being manufactured, that orders are still coming in as late as August 2013.
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ReplyDeleteSorry, the above comment was deleted by mistake.
ReplyDelete"如果印象沒錯, 聲音走向很類似很久以前在高雄首都聽過的那支K701"
Are you sure?
ReplyDeleteThe quoted sentence is a little bit confusing. Allow me to explain clearly here.
At the moment the impression was posted, I just got a set of K701 which was early production. The K701 reminded me another K701 that I heard few years ago in a local store although listening with different setup.
Then, comparing K701 to K702 65th , the difference was quite noticeable in many ways.