
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Aurisonics ASG-1


自從隨身耳機改成EX600後,有一陣子都沒再觀望其它的耳道耳機,去年底跳水的X10在手上撐沒多久,還是覺得EX600比較合口味。 上個月入手冷門的EPH-100,和EX600組合算不錯的搭配,兩者都是中階耳道的強力候選。 原以為這組合可以暫時不再更換耳道,但這支ASG-1的購入卻打破了計劃,手上的隨身用耳機勢必再度洗牌。

話說冷門廠牌耳機一直是個人入手的最愛,在看到Aurisonics的官網介紹後,忍不住就衝了一支。 入手的ASG-1是非客製耳機,有著類似客製耳機的造型,可選擇客製耳塞。 AS-1則是客製耳機,和ASG-1同樣主打15mm的動圈單體,可換線設計,除了外殼是用客製的耳模,還有其它功能可供選擇,價格當然也不同。 除此外官網上標榜Made in USA,以及hand-made製作,在品質上應該可以期待。



8Hz - 25kHz frequency response
32ohm +/- 10% impedance @1kHz
Sensitivity 121dB @ 1mW
15mm dynamic driver
Standard S-M-L soft silicon replaceable tips

1.0 - Original small foam internal pad, mechanical venting between driver and canal. Speakers tested then tested by listening only

1.1 - Foam surround internal pad around back ports of driver, drilled internal vent, better cover seal. Speakers tested, then tested on final with spectrum analyzer and listening test

1.1 with filters - Sent a few out with filters for people to try as well as sent filter material around for people to experiment with and comment

1.2 - Nozzle angle change, Left right markings added, internal bar in nozzle to stop foreign objects, increased internal vent size, Speaker standoff shelf internal change, speaker clearance change, utilized proprietary material around speaker for mid dampening, very slight amount of nozzle filter added. Speakers are pre-tested and qualified on spectrum analyzer only about half of them make the cut (tight tolerance), speaker inserted in the shell and cured, tested again for performance, dampening added and internal vent calibrated, spectrum analyzer again, final assembly, spectrum tested, nozzle filter inserted and tuned with spectrum analyzer, final human listening test to confirm all is as should be, visual inspection conducted then packaging.


Rev 1.0

Rev 1.1

Rev 1.2


Rev 1.1音場的感覺有點像TF10,但中頻相當前面,和TF10中頻退後的聲線不同;Rev 1.2偏向MMDT和MTPC中間,和1.1同樣是中頻向前。 Rev 1.2比較泛用,但是如果喜歡中高頻會覺得少了亮度;Rev 1.1則是以live music的調音為目的,和其它耳機相比較為特殊。

TF10和ASG-1相比,人聲上明顯還是沒ASG-1突出,音場在TF10聽起來的感覺是寬廣,ASG-1則是著重於環繞感。 整體上兩者都是處在暖系的對側,和1964-T及SM3對比也稍乾。 同樣的,TF10與ASG-1各保持所屬動鐵和動圈在解析/融和的特色,很容易分辨。


Rev 1.1評價兩極是可預料的,特別取向的耳機喜歡的就很喜歡,同時容易引起不少反對意見。 有些人不合自己喜好就覺得該耳機有嚴重問題,像SM3剛出來也不少人看貶。 如果耐聽是指長時間使用,那加了filter版(Rev 1.2)較占優勢,因為平穩的聲音在連續使用幾小時後比較不容易累。 Dale曾說過原本ASG-1/AS-1的調音是讓你感覺站在現場舞台邊的那個感覺,以個人聽的音樂來比較,Rev 1.1和1.2差別的感覺大概是類似現場和錄音室的不同。

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